


Sunday School

We offer Sunday School classes for all ages at 9:00am. We currently have the following adult classes available: Our children utilize the One Story Ministry Curriculum.

Sunday Morning Worship

We believe that God’s Word is the center and heart of worship.  We pray the Bible, preach the Bible, and sing the Bible.  We long to see sinners converted and saints maturing in their faith.  As a church, we also long to see the day that every believer is consistently present, with hearts engaged in worship.  All other ministry and discipleship endeavors flow from worship. Current Sermon Series: Ephesians

Sunday Evening Worship

We believe that God’s Word is the center and heart of worship.  We pray the Bible, preach the Bible, and sing the Bible.  We long to see sinners converted and saints maturing in their faith.  As a church, we also long to see the day that every believer is consistently present, with hearts engaged in worship.  All other ministry and discipleship endeavors flow from worship. Current Sermon Series: Judges