

We are Committed to Reaching the Lost

We long to see sinners repent and believe in the completed work of Jesus Christ through his life, death, and resurrection.  As we seek to reach those around us who have not heard the good news of the Gospel of Christ, we seek to be faithful, humble, patient, loving, and winsome in the way we live our lives and share our faith.

Missionaries We Support:

As a church, we love to support missionaries who are on the field sharing the Gospel in word and deed.  The following are missionaries that we are currently supporting:

Joe and Laurel Barnes (Peru)

Rev. & Mrs. Carl Chaplin (New International Projects with MTW)
Rev. & Mrs. Rodney Davila (Costa Rica with MTW)
Rev. & Mrs. Goodman (Field Support with MTW)
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Lott (Southeast Asia)
Caleb and Mi Cheon
Mr. David White (Field Support with MTW)

Missions and Outreach Committee:

The purpose of the Missions and Outreach Committee is to support and encourage the work of missions, maintaining close relationships for the purpose of financial support and connections between our missionaries/ministries and the congregation. 

The committee is also responsible for planning and organizing local outreach opportunities in the community with strategic service projects planned in conjunction with the ministries we support.  In addition to outreach, this committee also supports the assimilation of visitors and new members into church body life.